SL 101

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Posted by: stak
Posted on: 2005-07-23 18:31:06

just got back from student life 101. being an intelligent road sign was a blast, as usual. they still had the same error on the maps from last year, where the ALH arrow was pointing to ML instead. at least i wasn't directing people around there so i didn't have to explain said error to people countless times like i did last year.

dropped in on the SE presentation/student-panel-thingy but didn't stay too long as the person i was paired with wanted to go to lunch. from the questions i was there for, the frosh seemed less gung-ho than last year. then again, there were fewer people there than last year (for SL 101 in general as well as the SE session), and i only stayed for the first few (and therefore most boring) questions, so i could be completely wrong. i shoulda asked gwteathe about functional programming languages before i left :)

Posted by Richard at 2005-07-25 14:39:50
Look how far all that gung-ho-ness got my class in 1B. =)

Caught your site from my LJ infopage.
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Posted by stak at 2005-07-25 19:01:23
true. but a sample size of 1 is hardly convincing :) i still think it's better to have a gung-ho class than a non-gung-ho class.
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Posted by stak at 2005-07-26 18:57:45
also, it'll be interesting to see what that imprint news article will say about it..
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