Waterloo Black

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Posted by: stak
Posted on: 2005-09-25 12:52:01

so, following up with last week's post, i did do pretty well in the second ACM practice contest (held yesterday). so well, in fact, that i now have the option of joining the Waterloo Black team and going to the regional finals in November, and, if we do well enough, the ICPC finals next year.

the big question now is, can i squeeze another 15 hours out of my schedule? probably. taking two homework-less night classes and one course by DE does help with scheduling. on the other hand, taking OS and specs & reqs this term balances that out. databases shouldn't be too much of a problem. of course, this will leave me with just about zero free time until november.. but it's not like it'd be any different from previous terms. what do you think?

Should I join Waterloo Black?
Yes - 25% 1 votes
No - 0% 0 votes
Make up your own damn mind - 75% 3 votes

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(Really, I just wanted an excuse to put up another poll - i haven't used my poll functionality in a while :))

Posted by Fai at 2005-09-25 16:09:10
what's icpc? international... programming challenge?

that's cool :)
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Posted by stak at 2005-09-25 17:38:21
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Posted by Dave at 2005-09-26 09:48:53
It's hard Kats but I think you should do it :)
Take whatever opportunities you can get :)
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Posted by Dave at 2005-09-26 09:49:15
And congrats! That's really really good :)
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Posted by Robb at 2005-09-27 02:35:46
Awesome kats!
And don't not do it because of a lack of free time.. there's always more time to fit stuff in if you want to.. and it's easier to drop stuff later if you really need to.
And Novemeber is close...
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