done and done

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Posted by: stak
Posted on: 2006-04-14 02:43:37

so the contest is over.. didn't go as great as expected. we ended up 12th out of the 83 teams that were there. we just barely got the bronze medal (they give gold to the top 4 teams, silver to the next 4, and bronze to the next 4). bah.

during the award ceremony, they screwed up and gave gold medals to the bronze winners, which was pretty funny. after everybody was up on the stage there was some confusion with swapping of medals and such.

anyway, after the ceremonies and stuff were over we went to a "surprise" celebration, which was to a ranch where they had a rodeo. the rodeo there was way shorter than the one we went to in mesquite, and so it wasn't that annoying. they also had food and games and stuff.

flew back to mountain view today, back to the old grind tomorrow.. :)

Posted by Fai at 2006-04-16 21:38:41
but the website of results says you were 9th?
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Posted by stak at 2006-04-17 00:20:05
which website of results? we were 9th going into the freeze (they don't update the scoreboard from 4 hours into the contest), but got overtaken by three teams during the freeze. has the final scoreboard.
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Posted by Fai at 2006-04-18 02:46:55
Ah I see. I guess I was looking at the non final ones.
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Posted by Robb at 2006-04-17 20:03:17
So what was the java challange, how did you guys do on that?
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Posted by stak at 2006-04-18 02:27:53
it was to write some AI for spaceships that would compete against other teams' spaceships. basic objectives were to collect energy, shoot other ships, and transfer energy to your "home planet". the fame was fundamentally flawed, though, because the winning strategies were basically transfer all your initial energy to the home planet and then just sit there. we actually tried to do something with our ship, and therefore didn't do nearly as well.
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