Posted by: stak
Posted on: 2006-06-08 09:22:31
this term has been (so far, at least) relatively light in terms of workload. until last weekend i was pretty bored since we didn't really have all that much to do. then came the weekend, and i've been up until 3-5am each day since working on (first) distributed and (now) the SE2 project. both are code-heavy, which i really like :)
the SE2 project is shaping up quite nicely.. it's always fun when your code has a physical manifestation like ringing phones and getting people to talk to each other. i just wish we didn't have to write the crummy 40-page design doc. meh well, gotta take the bad with the good.
midterm today, and another tomorrow, and another next wednesday. after that things should be back to the boringly-light state.
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Our design doc was ~100 pages (with 90-something figures), but we bitched about it relentlessly. Perhaps the system works!