Posted by: stak
Posted on: 2006-12-10 10:53:58
there's been a spate of articles recently that have gotten me thinking about assumptions again. more specifically, the assumptions we make everyday and which we build our life on, but that may or may not be true. assumptions like these are all over the place, and every once in a while they get revoked, making us realize how we've been doing things wrong for so long. i thought it would be an interesting experiment to try to formulate a set of facts that are based on no assumptions (or as few assumptions as possible, which would have to be explicitly stated). kind of like the Principia Mathematica, but for general truth, rather than math. so, here goes..
- I think, therefore I am. i'm pretty sure descartes was right on this one. i'm thinking right now, so there must be some sort of entity doing that thinking, even if the entity is just a thought. define "I" to be that entity. also, define "universe" to be the set of all existing entities. since the universe contains "I", we know it is non-empty.
- My thoughts are changing, so the universe is not static. i think different things. even if all these thoughts happen to co-exist in the universe, there must be some sort of "pointer" to the active thought, which is moving from thought to thought. or it could be that one thought is being replaced by another. either way, there is some sort of change happening, so the universe is not static. Note that this does not imply that I am changing, only that the universe is changing, since it could be some other thing in the universe combined with myself which gives the change.
- Time exists. change is nothing but variability over time. therefore, if change exists, some concept of time must exist. time is therefore the first dimension of the universe.
that's as far as i've gotten. i think change might also imply the existence of "moving parts" in the universe, and therefore at least one other dimension, but i'm not fully convinced of that yet.
of course, this entire exercise might be moot, since i'm not using formal logic in my deductions, but i'm not sure of how to express this stuff in formal logic. it should be possible with the appropriate definitions, since formal logic systems are sound and complete. oh, and either way, there's some sort of assumption here that logic is not flawed and can, in fact, give you more facts from pre-existing facts.
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For example, have you ever noticed the following: you look towards a clock with seconds, and the second hand/number appears momentarily frozen for longer than one actual second before it changes. That's because your brain overwrites the near past with a memory of having been looking at the clock for longer than you actually were. (This has been more rigorously studied by psychologists I believe, so I'm not completely making this up). So you never really know if what you think is a past state actually happened or if it's your present state inventing a fictitiously different past state.