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Posted by: stak
Posted on: 2007-02-12 20:33:13

So the new search engine on the block, PowerSet, seems to be getting a lot of press, even though they don't seem to have a working product yet. Sure, it is/was created by a bunch of AI profs/researchers, but so far it seems like a lot of vaporware to me. And they want to take on Google - good luck with that one. The one thing they've going for them is the name.. "PowerSet" sounds pretty cool :)

In unrelated news, the longest hug.

Posted by Crypto at 2007-03-13 19:27:30
Kats, you have to blog more. Now that your homepage is on my google mainpage, I'll be checking daily for posts.
I expect results :)
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Human verification: Sum of forty-one and thirty-four =
Posted by stak at 2007-03-15 16:49:54
Dave, you have to blog more. Now that your LJ is on my friends list, I'll be checking daily for posts. I expect results :)
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Posted by varun at 2007-03-16 00:50:19
Kats, you have to blog more. Now that your homepage is on my google reader, I'll be checking hourly for posts.

I expect results :)
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