ah, uw..

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Posted by: stak
Posted on: 2005-01-28 09:13:40

The Art of Influencing Difficult People.. now that sounds like a useful course.

in other news, i'll be big-fat-greek-scavenger-hunting from noon today to noon tomorrow. i hope the '09 softies win, and re-start the 1B-software-always wins tradition.

Posted by Morgan at 2005-01-29 09:17:01
i hope the '09 softies win, and re-start the 1B-software-always wins tradition.

Not quite going to happen now...
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Posted by kats at 2005-01-30 04:46:27
unfortunate. well then.. how about continuing the new 2A-softies-win tradition?
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Posted by Morgan at 2005-01-30 09:26:05
We'll start hammering away at the class a month in advance. Then we might get 20 people...
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Posted by kats at 2005-01-30 09:47:27
I think the problem is more one of coordination. Make sure there's a specific time/place to meet, and make sure that somebody is there at that time so people don't drift off.
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Posted by Robb at 2005-02-25 11:37:09
And also let your class know that they can scunt w/ us if you guys don't get a team together..
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