MicroIDs |
Posted by: stak Following up from the previous post, I've added MicroID support the comments on this site. If you are logged in to this site and post a comment, the comment will be tagged with a MicroID generated from your OpenID identity URL and the site identifier ("https://staktrace.com"). You can see the MicroID if you view the source of the page with your comment on it. You should see something like the below as the table tag for the table that encloses your comment.
<table class="_commentBox microid-http+http:sha1:95016c1927c0521385cb4e73db5f59ec0f80cf2a">
(c) Kartikaya Gupta, 2004-2024. User comments owned by their respective posters. All rights reserved. You are accessing this website via IPv4. Consider upgrading to IPv6! |