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Posted by: stak
Posted on: 2005-02-16 10:18:55

i've come to the conclusion that early morning interviews are actually good for me. sure they make me wake up early, but i'm actually coherent (well, mostly) during them, which is always good.

other news: the weather is getting wonky again. snow. melt. rain. slush. repeat cycle. this means that wherever the ground is uneven, there's this puddle of water, capped with a thin layer of ice, covered with snow. when you step on it, badness ensues. however, on the bright side, this means that whenever it snows, the snow sticks to tree branches and makes them all white. looks so cool.

Posted by K at 2005-02-20 13:01:30
Yeah, I hate the slush but the snow is beautiful... too bad we only have it once a year ...
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Posted by Dave at 2005-02-20 19:28:52
who's K?
I'll write here more often
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Posted by stak at 2005-02-20 22:21:45
that would be a high school friend currently in vancouver.
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