Firewalling for fun and safety

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Posted by: stak
Tags: mozilla
Posted on: 2015-01-04 21:17:41

TL;DR: If you have a home wi-fi network, think about setting multiple separate VLANs as a "defense in depth" technique to protect hosts from malware.

The long version: A few years ago when I last needed to get a router, I got one which came with DD-WRT out of the box (made by Buffalo). I got it because DD-WRT (and Tomato) were all the rage back then and I wanted to try it out. While I was setting it up I noticed I could set up multiple Wi-Fi SSIDs on my home network, each with different authentication parameters. So I decided to create two - one for my own use (WPA2 encrypted) and one for guests (with a hidden SSID and no encryption). That way when somebody came over and wanted to use my Wi-Fi I could just give them the (hidden) SSID name and they would be able to connect without a password.

This turned out to a pretty good idea and served me well. Since then though I've acquired many more devices that also need Wi-Fi access and in the interest of security I've made my setup a little more complex. Consider the webcam I bought a few months ago. It shipped from somewhere in China and comes with software that I totally don't trust. Not only is it not open-source, it's not upgradeable and regularly tries to talk to some Amazon EC2 server. It would be pretty bad if malware managed to infect the webcam and not only used it to spy on me, but also used as a staging area to attack other devices on my network.

(Aside: most people with home Wi-Fi networks implicitly treat the router as a firewall, in that random devices outside the network can't directly connect to devices inside the network. For the most part this is true, but of course it's not hard for a persistent attacker to do periodic port scans to see if there are any hosts inside your network listening for connections via UPnP or whatever, and use that as an entrance vector if the service has vulnerabilities.)

Anyway, back to the webcam. I ended up only allowing it connect to an isolated Wi-Fi network and used firewall rules on the router to prevent all access to or from it, except to a single server which could access a single port on it. That server basically extracted the webcam feed and exposed it to the rest of my network. Doing this isn't a perfect solution but it adds a layer of security that makes it harder for malware to penetrate.

There's a ton of other Wi-Fi devices on my network - a printer, various smartphones, a couple of Sonos devices, and so on. As the "Internet of Things" grows this list is bound to grow as well. If you care about ensuring the security of machines on your network, and not letting become part of some random hacker's botnet, knowing how to turn your router into a full-fledged firewall is a very useful tool indeed. Even if you choose not to lock things down to the extent that I do, simply monitoring connections between devices inside your network and hosts outside your network can be a huge help.

Posted by varun at 2015-01-04 22:09:59
I've been considering actually buying a UTM to help me out here, since Suricata + Snorby isn't cutting it any longer. I had almost decided on the kit when I made the mistake of asking Reddit, and now I'm no longer sure which device to buy - or whether to build one around pfsense. At any rate, in order to keep my sanity, I setup four VLANs here:
1. External-only: IoT and other things that can't be locally accessed anyway.
2. Internal-only: the default; devices that can't be trusted on the internet.
3. Global access: our desktops, laptops and phones we're using.
4. Guest devices: internet-only, with per-device separation.

That said, I'd be interested in hearing your suggestions for how to go about optimizing the setup.
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